Email: Telephone: 0208 806 6352
Northwold Primary School
Dear Reception Parents/Carers,
We aim to use our broad and robust curriculum to ensure our children acquire knowledge in a sequential way that allows them to become confident and resilient, 21st century learners.
Our curriculum layout clarifies the end points that all children should achieve at the end of the week, term and year. We know how important it is that children are able to see the big picture of whatever they are learning and have broken our curriculum into manageable composites and components of knowledge blocks. As a progress model, our curriculum is sequential and ensures cumulative layers of knowledge. This enables our children to develop the dispositions that allow them to confidentially approach and tackle problems.
Subject | Term | |
Mathematics | Autumn | Develop fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value. Use properties of shape |
Spring | Develop fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value. Use a range of measure to describe and compare different quantities | |
Summer | Consolidate mental fluency with whole numbers. Use a range of measures to describe and compare different quantities | |
Reading | Autumn | Discuss new words to know their meaning |
Spring | Develop early skills of inference | |
Summer | Make inferences and discuss what might happen based on what has been read | |
Phonics | Autumn | Learn consonant and vowel diagraphs |
Spring | Read and spell words containing adjacent consonants and polysyllabic words | |
Summer | Learn new graphemes and alternative pronunciations for these | |
Grammar | Autumn | Develop grammar for speaking and writing |
Spring | Begin to use conjunctions to join sentences orally | |
Summer | Use distinctive features of grammar in speaking | |
Writing | Autumn | Say sentences aloud before writing them |
Spring | Reread sentences to check the meaning is clear | |
Summer | Collect ideas to compose and sequence sentences | |
Understanding the World | Autumn | Understand people’s cultures and the world around us |
Spring | People, culture, communities and everyday materials | |
Summer | Our natural world including similarities and differences between countries | |
Expressive Arts and Design | Autumn | Expressive, imaginative and curious |
Spring | Create and innovate | |
Summer | Create, present and showcase art | |
Communication and Language | Autumn | Be curious about new words and explore meanings |
Spring | Use simple and compound sentences orally | |
Summer | Use tenses correctly and orally construct sentences with meaning | |
Physical Development | Autumn | Develop coordination and movement |
Spring | Develop movement and flexibility | |
Summer | Master coordination and movement including dance | |
Personal, social and emotional development (PSED) | Autumn | I am unique |
Spring | Setting and achieving goals, staying safe and healthy |
Healthy eating
We encourage our children to eat healthily, we have subscribed to Food for Life to work with us to ensure our food takes sustainability into account. We have designed our curriculum to ensure that we teach children how to grow, cook and eat seasonal food that are mostly locally sourced. Please join us in monitoring what children bring into school for their packed lunch.
Charity work
As we emerge from the pandemic, there has never been a time when supporting charities has been more relevant. We want to continue showing our support for cancer and heart charities to name a few. We have local soup kitchens, residential homes for the elderly, hospices and lots of our local community that need our support. We will appreciate your support in carrying out this vital work and highlighting the need to serve the community to our children.
Our world needs children who understand and share the passion to save it from the climate emergency it faces. We want to highlight reusing and recycling in all we do at school and beyond the school gates. The children will be learning a lot about the effects our actions have on the earth. They will be looking at litter, water usage and energy use, please join us in this drive. The curriculum ensures our children understand the consequences of travel and the food they eat.
Remote learning
To ensure that children do not miss out on their learning during days off sick or isolating due to covd-19, we use google classroom as an online platform for remote learning. Over the next week, we will be giving your child their login details, if they do not already have it, so that they can access google classroom. We use this platform when teaching remotely, in the case of self-isolation, and to upload weekly homework. Your child will be able to access their homework on a Friday and will need to complete it by the following Thursday. Homework can be completed either in the homework book provided or online.
Reading is at the heart of our curriculum, we want our children to read widely for pleasure. Children will bring a book home each week as part of their homework. We ask that you please read with your children daily and record your comments in the reading record provided. Books are changed every Thursday. As there are opportunities for us to hear your child read at school, we ask that they bring their reading books in each day with them.
We look forward to working closely with you over the year to support your child’s progress. If you wish to contact your child’s teacher please do so using the email address below:
Serrantha Bhagwandas
Acting Head of School
Northwold Primary School is operated by Arbor Academy Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 10234376. The registered office is at Arbor Academy Trust, Davies Lane primary school, Davies Lane, Leytonstone E11 3DR