Email: Telephone: 0208 806 6352
Northwold Primary School
Our address
Northwold Primary School
Northwold Road
London E5 8RN
Get in touch
Telephone: 020 8806 6352
Media Enquires: 07713 517393
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If you are a parent or carer of one of our pupils and you would like to have paper copies of any information from our website you can request so through any of the numbers or addresses on this page.
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We take spam very seriously and any personal information we collect from this website will be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and other applicable laws. For more information about our privacy practices please read our privacy policy for further information on how we store and use your information.
Northwold Primary School is operated by Arbor Academy Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 10234376. The registered office is at Arbor Academy Trust, Davies Lane primary school, Davies Lane, Leytonstone E11 3DR