E- Safety

E- Safety

E-safety encompasses internet technologies and electronic communications such as mobile devices and wireless technology.

We recognise the importance of educating children and young people in using these technologies safely. This is achieved by ensuring children within our school understand the benefits and risks of using this technology. We provide safeguards and awareness for users to enable them to control their online experiences.

All pupils use computer facilities including Internet access as an essential part of learning, as required by the National Curriculum. Pupils and their parents/carers are asked to sign an agreement to show that they have understood and agreed the school’s e-Safety Rules. These rules help us to stay safe on the Internet: 

  • We only use the internet when an adult is with us.
  • We can click on the buttons or links when we know what they do.
  • We can search the Internet with an adult.
  • We always ask if we get lost on the Internet.
  • We can send and open emails together.
  • We can write polite and friendly emails to people that we know.

As well as following these rules, we also agree to using the computer, network, mobile phones, Internet access and other new technologies in a responsible way at all times. We know that our network and Internet access may be monitored.

Parents are asked to give consent for the web publication of their children’s work and the publication of photographs subject to the school rule that photographs will not be accompanied by pupil names.

Parent’s Consent for Internet Access

The school takes reasonable precautions to ensure that pupils cannot access inappropriate materials however the school cannot be held responsible for the content of materials accessed through the Internet. The school is not liable for any damages arising from use of the Internet facilities. 

Promoting e-safety at home

It is important that you regularly talk to your children about how to keep safe when accessing the online world. It is important that children understand that internet use is underpinned by trust but at the same time children should understand that there are consequences for misuse of this technology. 

Below are some simple rules that you can use with your children. 

  • Request children’s usernames and passwords to any email, website or social networking sites. Explain to your child that you will only use this when you feel it is necessary.
  • Do not allow mobile devices or computers in bedrooms, especially after bed time. Mobile Devices can be charged in a hallway, kitchen or living room.
  • Set up internet filtering and security settings on your home router. Information on how to do this is available from your internet provider.
  • Have bookmarked certain sites that your child can access.
  • For younger children only allow them to go on the internet in a supervised room like the living room.
  • Regularly discuss the dangers of the internet and what they can do if they find themselves in difficult situation

Talk to your child about their online use on a regular basis. When opening the conversation with your child start with positives, finding out as much as you can about what your child does online and what it means to them.

Things you could try:

  • Ask your child to show you their favourite websites, apps and social media services and what they do on them. Listen and show interest. You could also encourage them to teach you the basics of the site or app.
  • Ask your child if anything ever bothers or worries them about going online. You could use examples of events from the films and ask if they’ve ever heard of something similar happening. Talk in general about what children can do to stay safe online.
  • Ask them about who they chat to online, and whether they know and trust them ‘in real life’.
  • Talk about the importance of privacy settings and how they can help your child stay in control of what they share with others. Together, look at the privacy settings for the services they use, encourage them to only share things with people they know and trust in real life.
  • Talk to your child about what it might be appropriate or inappropriate to share online – this includes photos, videos, comments and personal information.
  • Talk to your child about how their online actions can affect others. Remind them to consider how someone else might feel before they post or share something.
  • Ensure your child understands that if anything ever happens online which worries or upsets them, they should always tell you.
  • Explain that you would never blame them for anything that might happen online, and you will always give them calm and non-judgemental support.
  • Make online safety an on-going conversation

What parents need to know about ONLINE GROOMING

What parents need to know about INSTAGRAM

What parents need to know about ZOOM

What parents need to know about TIKTOK

What parents need to know about WEBCAMS

What parents need to know about PHISHING

Top ten tips to keep your children safe online

Further information about e-safety can be found by clicking here

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